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Safe Practices for Buying Magic Mushrooms Online

Safe Practices for Buying Magic Mushrooms Online - Good Moods Magic Mushrooms

Can you buy medicinal fungi online? Internet shopping has surged in popularity, and virtually everything is available online. That includes these intriguing psychedelic products, now available to a wider audience. So, what are the risks, and are they legal?

The proliferation of online shopping also facilitated increased scams and criminal enterprises. It’s crucial to educate yourself to ensure you get what you pay for. Certain safe practices and prior knowledge can help you to avoid the pitfalls.

Good Moods has decades of experience growing and sourcing psychedelic fungi. We offer legal, effective medicinal fungi online. Our products are third-party tested for purity and quality. They’re also certified safe by industry watchdogs.

We simplify the process of buying medicinal fungi. It lets you focus on harnessing the healing qualities of these fascinating fungi. Discover the incredible potential of mushrooms in medicine. Learn how to purchase high-quality, legal psychedelics online safely.

Understanding medicinal fungi

“Magic mushrooms” contain psychoactive ingredients. The most common are psilocybe cubensis and muscimol. They are psychedelic, hallucinatory substances.

The fungi grow on almost every continent and have a history of use in traditional ceremonies.

Archeological evidence points to widespread ceremonial and medicinal use.

Cave art in Spain and Algeria suggest it predates recorded history. Rock paintings in Australia depict their use ten millennia ago.

Psychedelic mushrooms can distort your sensory perception. They present euphoric reactions with the potential for visual and mental hallucinations. Some claim it confuses your sense of time. Others insist it offers spiritual intuition or redemption.

An enzyme in the digestive tract converts psilocybe cubensis. It metabolizes into psilocin, which is highly unstable. It unlocks the psychoactive effects by acting on serotonin receptors in the brain.

The effects of medicinal fungi may include dilated pupils, euphoria, and serenity. Yawning often marks the onset of reactions. Early stages include elevated heart rate, vivid colors, and concentration issues. Hallucinations are possible.

Minor negative reactions are possible. Users report confusion, lack of coordination, weakness, and paranoia. Others detail nausea and vomiting. Dizziness, chills, and increased blood pressure may occur.

There are several methods of consumption. You could:

  • Eat the dried mushrooms
  • Brew them in a tea
  • Add dried mushrooms to meals or snacks
  • Add powdered shrooms to drinks
  • Ingest pre-packaged capsules.

A 2022 trial concluded it’s a relatively safe drug. Adverse reactions were generally brief and rare (0.2% sought emergency care). Potential adverse effects include nausea, increased heart rate, and paranoia.

There are risks. Physical effects can last up to six hours. Psychological reactions make it difficult to separate reality from fantasy. Heavy consumption can be overwhelming. The worst cases can cause panic attacks and psychosis.

The greatest danger is from ingesting misidentified fungi. Consuming the wrong mushroom species can be fatal. There’s no evidence of physical dependence, although tolerance climbs with continued use.

What are the benefits of psilocybe cubensis? Research shows several potential advantages for therapeutic use. They could alleviate suffering related to the following:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Existential distress related to end-of-life suffering
  • PTSD
  • Alcohol dependency and substance abuse
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Mental and behavioral health conditions.

Some people use psilocybe cubensis to manage addiction. New trials confirm it shows great promise in promoting long-term nicotine abstinence. Historical evidence shows high rates of success in treating substance abuse.

New research backs up earlier trials showing antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties.

The legal status of medicinal fungi is clear. The FDA bans the possession, use, or sale of psilocybe cubensis. It’s illegal under federal law. State penalties vary from a fine to imprisonment. Things started to change in 2019 with decriminalization in several US cities.

Legal considerations

The FDA calls psilocybe cubensis a Schedule 1 drug under the Controlled Substances Act. Its legal status means it has no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Repeated findings in clinical trials seem to contradict their position.

Schedule 1 places the fungi alongside heroin and cocaine. The mind-altering aspects make it more akin to LSD, DMT, peyote, or mescaline.

In response, the FDA designated two medicines “breakthrough therapy” status. It simplifies research applications. Several ongoing trials hope to confirm results and safety considerations.

In 2019, Denver became the first US city to decriminalize possession and use. Oakland and Santa Cruz in California soon followed. Washington DC and Somerville, Cambridge, and Northampton were next (Mass.). Seattle and Detroit soon enacted similar legislation.

Oregon became the first state to allow it in 2020. It offers licensed facilities for treatments. Colorado did likewise two years later. In 2024, Missouri passed a new bill. It allows special treatment for veterans with PTSD and other issues.

Buying psilocybe cubensis products online comes with considerable dangers. It is illegal to buy, possess, sell, or distribute. There are few exceptions.

Online purchases can incur charges for possession or distribution. There are exemptions for religious reasons in some cases. Federal law trumps state or city legislation.

If you’re looking for non-psychedelic mushroom supplements that you can take while on your microdosing journey that will enhance your experience we recommend DT Supplements !

For more information check out our legalities section. It’s our top question on medicinal fungi in the USA.

Choosing a reputable online vendor

Finding a reputable online vendor can be tricky. Psilocybin’s legal status makes for some shady business practices. There are safe options if you find a trustworthy, efficient source.

Purchasing online from unregulated sellers carries significant risks. The products could be contaminated or fake. They could also be mislabeled, old, or low quality. Learn how to evaluate vendors to minimize the potential for getting scammed.

Good Moods operates from a decriminalized zone (Oregon) to satisfy legal requirements. We’re committed to providing a high-quality and safe product for our customers.

We ship nationwide, usually in 2–3 business days. Expedite overnight orders for an added fee. Ask for a tracking number to follow your priority delivery in real-time. Our discreet packaging sports no branding for your privacy.

Good Moods is also Psilosafe certified. We’re proud to show we’re matching industry standards for safety and efficacy. The company has sourced and cultivated top-quality mushrooms for decades.

Scroll through our extensive customer reviews to hear from like-minded buyers. Transparency starts with external quality control. Independent, third-party lab testing ensures safety, quality, and potency.

If you’re still not convinced, ask questions via [email protected]. You can also contact us on Telegram or Instagram. We reply within minutes.

Safe buying practices

  • Shop on familiar sites: Sophisticated clone sites may ride high on search results. Stick to sites you know and trust.
    Update your antivirus: Threats continually evolve. Ensure you’ve got the best defense.
  • Offers that are too good to be true: Use common sense to avoid falling for clickbait offers.
  • Avoid phishing scams: Phishing usually offers unbeatable deals or super-low prices. The scammers dupe you into handing over your personal information.
  • Use your credit card: Major cards protect in the case of fraudulent transactions. You won’t be liable, unlike with a debit card.
  • Check it’s authentic: Ensure the site is legitimate before disclosing any information.
  • Contact the company through their customer service department. A legitimate vendor provides detailed answers. Scammers might offer a vague response or none at all.

Reduce the risk. Reputable vendors have a few characteristics in common:

  • Documented third-party testing
  • Plenty of positive online reviews
  • Credit Card payment options – sites that only accept PayPal or Crypto are generally scams.

Do some basic research to confirm you’re making safe online purchases. Good Moods ships from a decriminalized zone. It’s incumbent on the buyer to understand local laws.

Using medicinal fungi responsibly

Avoid negative reactions to medicinal fungi with responsible use. The amount you take is crucial. The environment is also important.

Be fully prepared. Understand your dose and likely ramifications. Mitigate the risks to get the most from your psychedelic experience. You should:

  • Know what kind of mushrooms you’re ingesting.
  • Understand your dose and likely reactions.
  • Enjoy the experience with people that you know and trust.
  • Don’t combine with other drugs.
  • Feel positive. Mushrooms may magnify negative feelings like sadness or fear.
  • Find a calm, natural environment. Crowds might freak you out.

Dosage is tricky. Two mushrooms from the same strain and harvest can have different concentrations of the psychoactive ingredient. Always err on the side of caution. Lab testing is the only way to know the potency of your fungi.

Some people employ support groups or “trip sitters” to help smooth the process. They may ask about your set and setting. “Set” means your mindset. Setting refers to the physical location.

Low dose:

One gram of dried mushrooms is a low dose. It enhances the senses and provides euphoric reactions.

This isn’t a microdose. Microdosing involves taking sub-perceptual quantities.

Medium dose:

About 1.75 grams of dried shrooms cause heavy euphoria. It also may cause perceptual distortions, especially with sight and sounds.

Heavy dose:

About 3.5 grams of mushrooms constitutes a heavy dose. It can result in hallucinations and heavy distortions. Ego dissolution is possible. It’s difficult to hold a conversation or comprehend your surroundings.

Ultra-heavy dose:

Five grams of dried mushrooms may disconnect you from reality. Ethnobotanist Terence McKenna famously called this a “heroic dose.” Few can handle such a hardcore portion.

People with mood disorders or psychological problems should avoid mushrooms. The effects can exacerbate mental health issues. Psilocin interacts with serotonin receptors in the prefrontal cortex. It can worsen anxiety, bipolar disorder, or panic disorder.

Good Moods offers a safety checklist. Follow all nine rules to give yourself the best chance for a positive experience. Prepare mentally by foreseeing the expected reactions. Understand your dose and the probable outcome to limit the shock factor.

Recognizing and avoiding scams

The internet is a playground for dodgy dealings. Scammers often use a few tried and tested methods to get you to part with your cash.

The carrot or the stick

They deal in fear and greed. Scams use amazing deals or intimidation to suck you in. Following their direction is a highway to hell.

Errors in design

Basic errors are an obvious indication of sketchiness. Some operators hope to fool spam filters, while others may have limited education. Either way, steer clear.

(Don’t) play the game

Many sites drag you in with a series of simple tasks. It could include choosing boxes, ostensibly with prizes, or filling out a form. The more time you invest, the more likely you will pay when the request comes.

Minor fee

Common scams often require a small fee to unlock the prospect of riches. They claim they need an insignificant charge for registration or card verification.

Tight deadlines

People struggle to make rational decisions when they rush. Scammers know it and may set a ticking clock to boost compliance.

Cybercriminals are continually updating and improving their methods. Keep these red flags in mind to avoid scams.

If you get duped:

  • Get in touch with your bank
  • Report the scam to the authorities
  • Block that scammer
  • Change your passwords
  • Freeze your credit
  • Learn to spot fraudulent websites, scammers, and their methods.

Good Moods is vetted and certified for customer protection. We offer organically grown products from our farm in Oregon. It’s our mission to bring mushroom medicine to the masses.


Certain practices can improve your experience when you buy medicinal fungi online. Avoid scammers with informed purchasing and safe online practices. Make sure you get what you’re paying for.

Good Moods offers safe and high-quality psychedelic products. Visit our shop for special offers and wholesale deals. We provide the smoothest online path to enlightening and spiritual experiences. Always ensure you employ safe practices and responsible use.


You must be 21 years of age or older to make a purchase from this website. All Good Moods plant medicine products are for healing purposes only.

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